Product Team
July 8, 2024

Understanding the Typical Innovation Intelligence Customer

Innovation managers come from diverse backgrounds, yet they share common goals and needs that drive their use of platforms like MAPEGY's SCOUT. Understanding their profile helps us better cater to their requirements and improve their experience.

Users Profiles

Innovation intelligence users typically work within organizations focused on staying ahead in competitive markets through continuous innovation. These organizations vary in size and industry but are united in their need for actionable insights. Common user profiles include:

  1. Small Innovation Teams: Many companies have small innovation departments, often with only 1-2 individuals directly involved in scouting activities. These teams are lean, requiring efficient and comprehensive tools to maximize their output. For instance, a typical team may include a Chief Innovation Officer and a few colleagues dedicated to open innovation and identifying new opportunities​.
  2. Large Corporations with Dedicated Units: Larger organizations might have more extensive teams, including those focused on technology management, mergers and acquisitions, and internal incubators. These teams rely on SCOUT to manage vast amounts of data and generate insights across multiple sectors​​.
  3. Cross-functional Collaborators: Often, innovation intelligence users work in collaboration with various departments such as marketing, product management, and strategic planning. They gather data requests from colleagues, run queries, and share results, ensuring that different parts of the organization are aligned with the latest trends and opportunities​​.

Common Challenges and Needs

Despite the diversity in team structures and sizes, innovation intelligence users face similar challenges:

  1. Managing Large Portfolios: Users often need to monitor a broad array of topics and subtopics. High-quality data, continuous monitoring, and advanced portfolio management functionalities are crucial. These capabilities enable teams to handle numerous search queries and stay updated with minimal manual intervention​(Copy of daria's present…)​.
  2. Efficiency and Automation: With limited time and resources, teams require platforms that offer automatic updates and recommendations. Automation helps in identifying overlapping sectors, tracking competitors, and exploring new trends without extensive manual effort​.
  3. Collaboration and Communication: Effective sharing of insights across teams is vital. Users need tools that allow them to easily disseminate findings and collaborate on further analysis, ensuring that all stakeholders are informed and can contribute to strategic decisions.

By understanding these profiles and challenges, MAPEGY continues to refine SCOUT to better serve the needs of innovation intelligence customers, ensuring they remain competitive and innovative in their respective industries. For any product inquiry, write us an email at

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