April 8, 2016

Meet & Greet MAPEGY

It's been four years... Four intense and instructive years full of passion, love and work. Four years during which we learned, developed and changed as a company and as individuals. Tuesday marked four years since MAPEGY was founded!

Happy Birthday, MAPEGY! Looking back we are very proud with what we've achieved, and we are ready to revolutionize the world of innovation intelligence!

What did MAPEGY do to celebrate its special day? We threw a party, of course!

Last Tuesday, our team was very happy to celebrate MAPEGY's birthday with friends, mapegy-lovers, partners and former employees. We had an amazing evening, full with inspirational talks, product presentations and big data discussions.

There was also a surprise for the all the football fans – our “creativity room” was sanctified and prepared for viewing the UEFA Champions league matches (Bayern Munich vs Benfica and Barcelona vs Atletico Madrid).

We hope that everyone enjoyed the evening as much as we did, and we can't wait for our next celebration!

To the Blogs

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